Whant to show that max number is not the biggest one?
Age 18Age 70+00Age 301831445770
Taking care about how from and to values connect? Use decorate_both option:
Weight: 100 million poundsWeight: 200 million poundsWeight: 145 million poundsWeight: 155 million poundsWeight: 145 million pounds — Weight: 155 million pounds
Remove double decoration
Weight: 100 million poundsWeight: 200 million poundsWeight: 145 million poundsWeight: 155 million poundsWeight: 145 — 155 million pounds
Use your own separator symbol with values_separator option. Like →
Weight: 100 million poundsWeight: 200 million poundsWeight: 148 million poundsWeight: 152 million poundsWeight: 148 million pounds → Weight: 152 million pounds
Or " to ":
Range: 100 light yearsRange: 200 light yearsRange: 148 light yearsRange: 152 light yearsRange: 148 to 152 light years
You can disable all the sliders visual details, if you wish. Like this: