Start without params

Set min value, max value and start point

Set type grid and adding prefix"$"

Set up range with negative values

Using step 250

Set up range with fractional values, using fractional step

Set up you own numbers

Using any strings as your values

One more example with strings

No prettify. Big numbers are ugly and unreadable

Prettify enabled. Much better!

Don't like space as separator? Use anything you like!

You don't like default prettify function? Use your own!

Using prefixes

Using postfixes

Whant to show that max number is not the biggest one?

Taking care about how from and to values connect? Use decorate_both option:

Remove double decoration

Use your own separator symbol with values_separator option. Like →

Or" to":

You can disable all the sliders visual details, if you wish. Like this:

Or hide any part you wish

And some more

And some more